How to Troubleshoot Windows Error ‘Wi-Fi doesn’t have a Valid IP Configuration’?

The Windows Internet Connection errors ‘Wi-Fi doesn’t have a Valid IP configuration’ are one of the ordinary error and enormously irritating error as they prevent many users from the cyberspace. However, recently, many people are tackling the ‘No Network Access’ error. However, the ‘Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP Configuration’ windows error can occur on the Windows screen when the users are log in to their computer system. Mostly, the error affects those devices which running the Windows 10 operating system. Generally, this is due to several latest updates that had some different glitches and issues.

Currently, most of the Windows users running the Windows Network Diagnostics Troubleshooter which shows the following message on the screen which says; ‘Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration.’ Sometimes, the message may vary depending on your system’s features, but the reality is that the IP configuration will always remain the same. Before doing anything, just check that your computer system is the only device that creates a problem in connecting to the internet and some other devices which can easily connect to your Wi-Fi, you should make sure that the issue is not with the router or internet provider.
Follow the below mentioned fixes which help you in troubleshooting the Windows error ‘Wi-Fi doesn’t have a Valid IP Configuration.’ Learn the stepwise guide to fix the Internet Connection error. The steps are discussed below.
Steps to Troubleshoot Windows Error ‘Wi-Fi doesn’t have a Valid IP Configuration.’
Before further proceed with the steps, we suggest you perform a full system scan with any reliable and trusted antivirus software. Moreover, follow the steps in the same order in which they are discussed to avoid unnecessary trouble and prevents unwanted errors. Here how to do it:
Method-1: Perform a System Reboot
  1. Long press the Windows + R keys on the keyboard to launch the run command box.
  2. Under the dialogue box, enter the ‘msconfig’ and click on the ‘Enter’ key.
  3. Select ‘Services’ button.
  4. After that, verify the ‘Hide all Microsoft Services’ option.
  5. Tap on ‘Disable All’ option.
  6. Then, click on the ‘Startup’ option.
  7. Once the Startup option opened, choose ‘Open Task Manager’ option.
  8. Now, select the first item and click on Disable tab to disable it.
  9. Close the Task Manager window and click on the ‘OK’ tab.
  10. Lastly, reboot the computer system to save all the changes.
If the above-mentioned process doesn’t help you in fixing the error, follow the next method in the correct sequence to troubleshoot the error.
Method-2: Renew Wi-Fi IP Address
  1. Press the Windows keys and choose the ‘Command Prompt (Admin)’ option.
  2. Under the command prompt, type the following command ‘ipconfig/release.’
  3. Click on the ‘Enter’ key.
  4. Now, copy and paste the following command: ‘ipconfig/flushdns’ and hit ‘Enter’ key.
  5. Enter the ‘ipconfig/renew’ command and tap on the ‘Enter’ key.
  6. Press the ‘Exit’ tab and click on ‘Enter’ to exit the Command Prompt box.
  7. Reboot your computer system to apply all the changes you have recently done.
Johnson Jack is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on Webroot Support and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.


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